Our Creative Director and CEO gives you her tips on how to have the most productive week possible!
For years I thought I was organized. I have always been Type A - super organized, clean freak, and list maker. Even as young as elementary school, I would clean my room every night before bed without being told and make a list of what outfit I would wear on each day of the week. Yup… that was me. So when I transitioned from student to employee to business owner, I still had the same method of organization and I thought I would have it all under control. HA! Joke was on me. Organization is a whole new breed when you own a business. You do it all: Bookkeeping, marketing, accounting, business development, emails, and even janitorial...just to name a few. I wore so. many. hats. and had so many balls in the air, I would look at my never-ending to-do list and almost get a panic attack (and I don’t use the term panic attack lightly). It took me years after starting my business to learn a new way of organization. Now I not only schedule my time weekly but also daily and even hourly. It may seem like a lot of structure at first, but trust me, it makes #girlboss life SO much more manageable. So I want to share with you my schedule and how exactly I organize my time to hopefully inspire and help you! In a nutshell, Mondays and Wednesdays are design days, Tuesdays and Thursdays are production days, and Fridays are administrative days.
I start my Mondays with checking emails. I usually have a lot of emails to check on Monday mornings since I don’t work weekends unless I absolutely have to (more on work/life balance in an upcoming post). This takes a few hours to do, so I’m usually done by late morning. Our Client Care Manager, Sarah, and I then have a scheduled bi-weekly call to touch base. We don’t live in the same city, so this call is a crucial part of my schedule and therefore has a high priority. It’s now design time. At this point, I do not check emails and I turn off my email notifications. I know some of you are thinking “How in the world can you turn off your notifications?! There is no way I could do that.” I promise you can. There is nothing business-wise that can’t wait to be answered in a few hours.Turning off these notifications lets what is in front of me take priority. In this case, it is the design of a wedding invitation suite. After I break for lunch, I head back to checking emails. Sometimes I eat at my desk while checking emails if I’m busy. (Let’s be real… this is real life!) This doesn’t take as long as in the morning, so within about half an hour I turn off notifications and get back to designing. I then design until just before the end-of-business day. Then I check emails for one last time for the day. My office hours end at 5pm, so I want to get all those emails answered before the day is done. If we’re busy and I still need more design time, I will get back to design until it’s time for dinner.
First thing every day is check emails. Then I move from my office to our production room, which is filled with client orders - from envelopes to paper to printed designs. Emily, our production assistant, helps us keep on top of things by making sure both the printer and the manufacturers have sent us the correct quantity of supplies for each order. She also does a quality control check on printed materials, and she assists with lining envelopes, packaging orders, ribbon cutting, assembly, mailing, etc. This helps tremendously so that when I walk into the production room, I know exactly what needs my attention that day. This day is usually spent on whatever is needed according to our wedding schedule. We triage our time based on our deadline calendar. Sometimes it’s going back and forth to my printer for orders; other times it’s lining envelopes or deckling edges; or sometimes it’s packaging, mailing, and shipping. I check my email again around lunch time and then again just before the end of the day. Otherwise, I’m out and about or in our production room - not at my desk.
Similar to Monday, but not as many emails to check in the morning. Phew! After email is checked, I start designing. Then I check my email at lunch and before the end of the day. In between emails is design, design design... nothing but design.
You guessed it. Check email! Thursday is another production day, which means we are usually shipping day-of stationery for the upcoming weekend’s weddings and receiving paper or envelope orders from our suppliers for upcoming wedding invitations. And you guessed it...of course I check my email at lunch and before end of business.
Who doesn’t love Fridays? This is my favorite day. It’s when I get to work on the business and not as much in the business. Not that I don’t love designing and production, but I feel like I’m a business owner at heart. Eventually our “Fridays” will become more frequent, but for now, this is the day I do anything that has to do with the business: Quickbooks, payroll, MailChimp, blog posts, marketing strategy, etc. This day is essential for business growth. Occasionally there will be some overlap or rearranging of our calendar due to our personal schedule, wedding timelines, or events, but I do my best to stick with this schedule as best I can. I do not let the tasks from one day bleed into another day, and I concentrate at the task that is in front of me. Truth bomb! It’s hard. For example, if a client emails me Friday about a change to their design, I email her Monday with the change and proof. I do not do it Friday. (Of course there are the occasional exceptions depending on wedding timelines.) Another example is if my accountant emails me Tuesday about a reconciled entry that needs to be corrected, I do not do it until my Friday administrative day. I actually don’t even reply to her email until Friday! I put it away in another folder in my inbox and don’t even think about it until the scheduled day.I hope this will help you and inspire you to be more organized. Now I bet some of you are reading this thinking your job doesn’t allow you to schedule your time this way, but I challenge you to look at your own schedule again. I bet you can do it - or at least some of it. If you were to take only two things away from today’s post, I would hope they are (1) schedule your days and stick to it, and (2) turn OFF email notifications and only check email a few times a day. Again we’re not doing anything that can’t wait a few hours. I promise. xx Kelly
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